Friday, November 7, 2008

Procrastination is my friend

  I am sure a lot of you can relate to, "I'll get it done later." Well, later kept coming and I still wasn't doing anything about it :) I don't know what it was, but I have barely even checked my email over the last couple months. So the blog was definately down the list of things to do. I have a lot of catch up reading to do on all of your blogs too. 
 To all you superbloggers out there I am sorry that I have been slacking. Something happend with our computer a while back, but it has been fixed for a while and I just hadn't gotten the urge to get on since I am so far behind. That being the case, all of the occasions of the last couple of months won't be blogged in great detail. I am just going to put the highlights to show what we have been up to.

1 comment:

kp said...

I'm glag you're back, but I had almost stopped checking your blog! Now I have lots of reading to do!