Monday, November 12, 2007

Tag...I'm it

Thanks to my friend Amy Simpson I have been tagged. I had no idea what this was until I went to her site and got my instructions. Apparently I have to write 3 little known facts/habits about myself and then tag 3 more people, post their names, then go to their blog and leave a comment telling them they've been tagged and asking them to read my blog for these instructions. So, we will see if I can surprise any of you with things about me. The people I am going to tag are Brianne Perkes, Abby Leisy, and Mandy Young.

1) While attending BYU-Idaho I was a finalist for Woman of the Year in 2003. I probably didn't deserve it, but I got nominated anyway. I didn't win, but at least I got a new dress out of it. I convinced Bob that I needed one in case I had to have my picture taken that would hang up on the walls of the school for the rest of forever. No picture--but I like the dress. It was a fun experience though.

2) When I was 11 I was walking along a fence and I fell. Thinking I peed my pants, I rushed home only to find blood-soaked underwear. I had to have stitches in my crotch area, but luckily I healed up just fine...and I have 3 kids to prove it :)

3) I am a big napper. I loooovvee my naps. I am a person that really needs their sleep and if I don't get it I am not very pleasant. Luckily I can still get all of my boys to nap so I can have my rest in the afternoons as well. And most of the time I wear an eye mask. Don't mock--it helps! I dare any of you who laughed to go by one and see how well you sleep!


A. Simpson said...

Blood soaked underwear?! You make me puke.
Sorry I assumed you knew what tagging was, I forget, you're a blogging virgin. hahaha

Tiffany said...

Holy OUCH! I don't even like to think about it! shudder!

A. Simpson said...

C'mon I need more pictures. Keep this thing updated would ya??!! hahaha

A. Simpson said...

Sweet sweet Britta, you know I'm going to keep buggin you until you post more pics. We love you!!