Thanks to my friend Amy Simpson I have been tagged. I had no idea what this was until I went to her site and got my instructions. Apparently I have to write 3 little known facts/habits about myself and then tag 3 more people, post their names, then go to their blog and leave a comment telling them they've been tagged and asking them to read my blog for these instructions. So, we will see if I can surprise any of you with things about me. The people I am going to tag are Brianne Perkes, Abby Leisy, and Mandy Young.
1) While attending BYU-Idaho I was a finalist for Woman of the Year in 2003. I probably didn't deserve it, but I got nominated anyway. I didn't win, but at least I got a new dress out of it. I convinced Bob that I needed one in case I had to have my picture taken that would hang up on the walls of the school for the rest of forever. No picture--but I like the dress. It was a fun experience though.
2) When I was 11 I was walking along a fence and I fell. Thinking I peed my pants, I rushed home only to find blood-soaked underwear. I had to have stitches in my crotch area, but luckily I healed up just fine...and I have 3 kids to prove it :)
3) I am a big napper. I loooovvee my naps. I am a person that really needs their sleep and if I don't get it I am not very pleasant. Luckily I can still get all of my boys to nap so I can have my rest in the afternoons as well. And most of the time I wear an eye mask. Don't mock--it helps! I dare any of you who laughed to go by one and see how well you sleep!