Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I win, you lose!

So last week Eli's sunbeam teacher talked to me after class. Apparantly she had gotten some good laughs from him that day. The class was playing musical chairs and while the other little (innocent) kids weren't quite grasping the concept, little Eli catches on and starts shoving kids out of his way so that he could be in the right chair. When the game was over he proceeded to say, "I win, you lose!" while he is pointing and laughing. Who is raising this child anyway?! Then during the lesson they start talking about families and the teacher asks Eli if his family loves him. He says, "No. They are rude to me. Only Rex loves me." What?!!! First of all, he has never said to us that he thinks we are being rude. And I was trying to think if there was anything we had said or if he had gotten in bad trouble lately, but I couldn't think of anything. It's a good thing my friend is his teacher, otherwise I would have been mortified. This makes me really wonder what my children are saying about me when I am not there! So, apparantly I need to do some better mothering. 

1 comment:

kp said...

Don't worry, he's Bob's kid