Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

I was unsuccessful at getting all of the boys to smile at once. But  they were so cute in their matching clothes that I had to take a picture.

We had a great Valentine's Day. The boys and I had spent the last few days making valentine cards and goodies to give to family. (of course I didn't think to take pictures of any of that) It was a lot of hard work, but the boys had a lot of fun. They made some pretty cute valentine's too. We took them around to everyone on Saturday after we had exchanged our own valentines and had a yummy breakfast. The boys picked out some beautiful tulips with Bob along with some candy. 

Later in the day Bob surprised me with this awesome cake and a gift certificate for dancing lessons! We are going to start next month and I am really looking forward to it. I have wanted to do that for a while, but he totally surprised me. You can't really see all the detail in the cake, but it is a tree stump with our names carved in it. It was really yummy too. Bob and I were able to go out that night together as well. It was a great day all around. 

1 comment:

DenosClan said...

Awww...what a cute cake and creative husband to take you dancing!(Can you have Bob talk to Bill...haha) Your boys are adorable. I like to match my kids too but they are getting older and already starting to protest.