Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pure joy!

My baby brings a lot of joy into my life. How can he not with a face like that?! Last week I came home from my young women's activity very unhappy. A lot of things contributed, but the topper was me backing into a parked car with my in-law's surburban. I never even saw the dang thing. I was just thinking in my head, "There goes our christmas!!" This was one of the first times that I left the baby with Bob, so when I came home I went straight to him and he welcomed me with the hugest smile!! I didn't even have to try to get one out of him with a cute voice or anything. He just saw me and was genuinely happy and it just made my heart melt. It really makes that nine months of misery all worth it. He really lifted my spirits. (And just for informational purposes the insurance covered all the damage so our christmas isn't ruined after all! Yeah!!)


Jason Young said...

What a doll!! How have you guys been? Surviving?? The boys sure have grown!! I miss all the "dates" the girls had with them. They were so fun to watch!!


The Johnston's said...

AWWW!! What a sweetheart! It's so true...a baby can make everything better :) I'm glad your christmas isn't ruined. Thank goodness for insurance!

A. Simpson said...

Oh he he dang cute.

A. Simpson said...

I meant "he is."

Perkes Family said...

What a cutie! Glad to see you guys are doing well.